Common dates for Neanderthals are 130,000 to 30,000 years ago
First found near Dusseldorf, Germany in 1856
Constructed to look ape-like. But initial construction discovered to be wrong!
Brain capacity about 200 cc larger
Used jewelry and musical instruments
Did cave paintings
Capable of speech
Buried their dead
Neanderthals Burial Cites
"Most anthropologists recognize burial as a very human, and a very religious, act. But the strongest evidence that Neanderthals were fully human and of our species is that at four sites Neanderthals and modern humans were buried together."
Marvin Lubenow, "Recovery of Neanderthal mtDNA: An Evaluation," Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 1998 p.89.
"Analysis of Neanderthal DNA failed to demonstrate any significance from DNA of modern humans."
Nicholas Comninellis, M.D., Creative Defense: Evidence Against Evolution, 2001, p. 195. (citing Marvin Lubenow, "Recovery of Neanderthal mtDNA: An Evaluation," Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 1998.)
Conclusion About Neanderthals:
Protruding brow ridge
Stocky body build and short extremities
Isolated population of people
Lived in a cold, harsh climate
100% human
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