The Ordinances of Heaven and Earth
"...and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth;" Jeremiah 33:25
- The Bible teaches that the universe obeys physical laws.
- The universe in neither haphazard nor arbitrary; nature conforms to logical, mathematical relationships set in place by God.
- The laws of physics and chemistry are examples of these logical, mathematical relationships.
- The clockwork precision of the planets as they orbit the sun is due to their strict obedience to God's ordinances.
- The stars and planets are never late nor are they early. They do not fail to appear in their proper place at the proper time. The Bible states:
"Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who hath created these things, that bringeth out the host by number:
he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth." Isaiah 40:26
- The laws of nature are consistent and logical, because the Creator is consistent and logical.
- We can trust that the same physics which worked yesterday will also work today. This principle is foundational to the scientific process.
- The very reason that science is possible is because the universe consistently obeys simple mathematical formulae.
- God created our minds with an impressive (though finite) ability to interpret the data around us, and draw logical conclusions.
- We are therefore able to discover (at least to some extent) the ordinances of the universe by observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning.
- Once we understand the nature of the these physical laws, we can use them to make accurate predictions about the future - such as computing the positions of the planets in advance.
- Both the earth and the rest of the physical universe ("heaven and earth") obey the laws of nature.
- Ordinances = law. Remember, whenever there is a law, there must be a lawgiver.
- "The heavens declare the glory of God..." Psalm 19:1
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