Meaning: Many who follow the Wiccan worldview are quite subjective in their thinking. Just like every other worldview presuppositions can vary from person to person. Some Wiccans hold to atheism, deism, or agnosticism. Many Wiccans will try to become at peace and harmony with nature itself.
Points to Ponder:
- A good worldview must be logically consistent.
- If one begins with a false assumption, one's conclusion can only be false.
- Living at peace and harmony with nature is based on the logical fallacy called reification. Nature is not somebody that you can have a relationship with. Because nature does not have a mind or emotions.
- If a Wiccan states nature has revealed knowledge to them, then they have to answer this question: what are the characteristics of nature?
- Wiccans are known to practice magic to help control themselves so they can live a life of wisdom and live without harming others. The problem is they have no standard to confirm who is living wisely or hurting others. What somebody may call wise somebody else may call foolish. One person may want to desire harm to another and may call it successful or wise and vice versa.
- Is Wicca logically consistent?
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