Polystrate Fossils
- The term "polystrate" was coined to describe a fossil which is encased within more than one (poly) layer of rock (strata) thus "polystrate" or "many layers".
- Frequently trees are found protruding out of coal seams into the strata above, and perhaps extending into a second coal seam, several feet above the first.
- Fossils that extend through several layers of sedimentary rock have been found in Germany, France, the British Isles, Nova Scotia, California and several eastern states.
- It is not possible that polystrate fossils were buried gradually over many thousands or hundreds of thousands of years because the top part of any tree would have rotted away before it could be protected by sediment. Polystrate fossils point to rapid burial and are evidence for the reality of the global Flood recorded in the Bible.
- Is it logical to believe a dead tree could stand up for millions or billions of years while the dirt/rock formed around it? How long do dead trees stand up in your neighborhood?
- Did you know Sedimentary Rock is found all over the world? Sedimentary Rock is formed in water.
- The top 3,000 feet of Mount Everest (from 26,000 to 29,000 feet) is made up of sedimentary rock packed with seashells and other ocean dwelling animals.
- The Gray Fossil museum in Tennessee gives the ideal conditions for preserving fossils. These are wet clay soil, rapid burial and no oxygen. So what event would have all three of these conditions? How about a flood?
- Check out Genesis chapters 6-9.
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